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Monday, 19 October 2015

#ListenToSyrians in Aberdeen and in London

Above, Amer Masri, a survivor of Assad’s prisons, speaking to the Scottish National Party Conference, 17 October 2015, in support of a motion welcoming refugees.

MPs of all parties will have another chance to listen to Syrians at the launch of Rethink Rebuild’s policy document “Syria Between Dictatorship and ISIS: What can the United Kingdom Do?” on Tuesday 27 October at the House of Commons.

Details from Rethink Rebuild Society:
Our policy document "Syria Between Dictatorship and ISIS: What can the United Kingdom Do?" will be launched in Parliament on Tuesday 27 October in Committee Room 9 from 12-2 pm.

This document has been endorsed by Syrian groups across the county. It is presented as a comprehensive plan of action for the UK to help end the conflict in Syria.

We will be joined by a panel who have direct experience of life under Assad, the brutality of ISIS as well as the impact on British nationals who are Syrian.

Details of the event:
Date: Tuesday 27th October 2015
Venue: Committee Room 9, House of Commons
Time: 12pm to 2pm

Panel speakers
Yasmine Nahlawi: Advocacy & Policy Coordinator, Rethink Rebuild Society
Farah Al, former detainee in Assad's prison and UK citizen
Yasser Al Jassem, Syrian refugee
Jeff Smith MP, Chair

Please RSVP to Yasmine Nahlawi at advocacy@rrsoc.org
Please contact Amina Lone at Jeff.Smith.mp@parliament.uk or on 07799 008522 should you have any further questions.