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Thursday, 24 November 2016

A message from the people of Aleppo to the world.

A message sent today from Aleppo:

Today marks the 91st day of Aleppo city besiegement. According to Aleppo city council statistics 271,536 people are stuck inside the east of Aleppo.

Over 2,300 strikes including airstrikes, explosive barrels, artillery, cluster bombs, bunker-busters, and bombs loaded with chlorine gas, have been documented over the last 23 days only.

Eight hospitals and medical centres have been struck, four hospitals over the last week, six schools, two bakeries, and civil defence HQ.

Both Russian and Syrian regime air forces are intentionally targeting the civilian infrastructure in order to break people’s will. Currently people have almost zero access to medical care, people are afraid to go to hospitals due to the intentional Russian and Syrian regime airstrikes.

It has been almost six years and we are wondering what the world was doing. More than 500,000 people have died. How many hospitals or schools does it take to see real actions against war crimes in Syria?

It can’t get more gruesome than this. We are in 2016 and 271,536 people are trapped in a besieged city facing death from bombardment and possibly very soon starvation. The dysfunctionality of the world is responsible for 500,000 deaths and for those 271,536 trapped in the city.

We wonder: Why do we have UN? Why do we have human rights laws?

This has been a slow-motion train wreck, and this message is from the people who lasted in Aleppo to the world: don’t look back years from now and wish that you can do something. You can still do. We ask you to:

  • Ground Assad air-force that’s killing us, or at least have some diplomatic leverage to force the Syria regime and Russia’s bombardment of the city of Aleppo to be stopped.
  • We ask you to open a demilitarised humanitarian corridor for the people of Aleppo to revolutionaries-held areas under the observation of the UN only, without the presence of any other groups or countries, a corridor that allows free movements of food, fuel, medicines and all merchandises for the civilian essential infrastructure inside eastern Aleppo—water stations, electricity, hospitals, schools and civil defence—both for relief aid and trade movements. Revolutionaries armed groups did agree on allowing relief aid passage to eastern Aleppo yet both the Syrian regime and Russia are refusing. 
  • If the international community won’t be able to open the previous mentioned corridor or be able to convince the Syrian regime to pass the relief aid toward eastern Aleppo, we urge the world and the west specially to airdrop the humanitarian aids as there are already warplanes for the US-led collation in Syria not far from Aleppo city. We are the people of eastern Aleppo and we emphasise that we have no problems with relief aid airdrop. 

The international community holds responsibility of any future consequences of Aleppo besiegement hoping that our voices will be heard, and Aleppo will be saved.

Read CNN’s report on the video message: A message from the people of Aleppo to the world.